Stockpile of Beautiful moments
There are times when
we need to shut ourselves
off from the interruption...
Relax on the
other side of our goals
to navigate, just click on the boxes above
Rio liebt Lia
Karlsruhe liebt Zhong Li
Surabaya liebt Palembang
Aries liebt VirGo
Knight liebt Princess
FreNch Kissin`
buBbLe baThin`
cUddLin` on da couCh
AnNoyiNG tHings!
buGGing Things!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Damn rainy day!!! Grrrrr ...
I've just slipped on the stairs and fell down rite on my butt coz it's so slippery there grrr... in fact it's slippery everywhere ok! I wore my sneakers n still got tiz lil accident hikz.... Luckily no one saw me fiuh... it left me a bruise mark now grrrrr fuckin weather!
Its me Ayankna Cinta...hihihi^^
*cup cup cup kacihan Cintaku jatok*cup cup cup memarna
Besok io gendong ya kemana2, jadina nggak usah ampe jatok2 lagi...mana klo sakit kan nggak enak jalannya*manjain abis2an
Bentar lagi g mao ngaso ama Istri, hari ini kita sibuk banget...g sibuk di perpus n Cinta sibuk kuliah ama kerja di lab...moga2 nanti nggak keganggu bbna n bisa bb pules Cintaku^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 12:00 AM
Monday, March 28, 2005
by: Jim Brickman
Winter snow is falling down
Children laughing all around
Lights are turning on
Like a fairy tale come true
Sitting by the fire We made
You're the answer when i prayed
i would find someone
and Baby i found You
All i want is to hold You forever
All i need is You more every day
You saved my heart
from being broken apart
You gave Your love away
and i'm thankful every day
for the gift
Watching as You softly sleep
What i'd give if i could keep
just this moment
If only time stood still
But the colors fade away
And the years will make us grey
but Baby in my eyes
You'll still be beautiful
All i want is to hold You forever
All i need is You more every day
You saved my heart
From being broken apart
You gave Your love away
and i'm thankful every day
for the gift
TENKIU GOD, for giving me Your Treasure to me-HEAVEN'S TREASURE-Maria Cecilia H*huggy Cinta...i promise to You GOD i will guard and protect Your Treasure well with own life:)
Cinta tenkiu for ALL ya...lebih2 atas "Da Gift"...hihihi...i was speechless yesterday^^
All i want to say is that...dun You ever worry, i will protect love guard Your gift with everything in me...because i know "Your Gift" is SO Special not for only me but to You also
I promise...
TENKIU FOR ALL Cinta...i love You so much and always:D
Love Huggyzzz Kissezzz
Ur Hubby n Soulmate io
*mwachh Cinta
between Germany & Taiwan : 6:37 AM
Hepi b`day sweety *cup forehead*
d` ya love the present?? Wat's the present anyway? *nantang* hihihihi
uDa tambah gede duluan ya... curankkk huhuhu tar aku nyusul! Huhu gpp yah mang hakikat suami lebih gede dr istri kan :P Uda gede loh! jgn tambah notty yah! Jadi suami yg baek yaaaaa ... tambah sayang ma akuhhh huhuhuhu but remember, u r my forever baby no matter how old u r ^^ Ow... quick come here! can't wait any longer nih... anyway... i'm waiting for the time when u "unwrapped" the gift haihaiahiahiahia
Last nite our familia called us.
{*} mami io called him, they talked a lot n sounded so serious. It's all bout io's study. Mami n papi just realized how hard my hunnih's study is. Although a bit late but it quite shocks them n me. I've just known tat Univ. Karlsruhe is on the top list in Germany. Tats why its rules r much more strict then the others. They offer another alternative which is wat if iO moved to FH Ka yg sama2 no 1 jg. Well... liat dulu deh ya ama penasehat gimana =) but i know u sweety, u would never give up tats why i lophe u ^^ ... it's all up to u , just 4 ur best!
{*}My step mom called n we gossiped a lot bout my dad n her medical check up result. They just came back from Sing n Malay. Thx gOd they both are ok! They oso surveyed to Taylor Univ. my bro next school =) Hm.. still find a good time to go there wif io to visit my crazy bro. We miss him. Unfortunately he will have been there b4 i go back to Indo hikz...
{*}My mom called me too ... histerically screamed "iO's b'day! iO's b`day!" huahauhua My mom misses him deadly. sHe always thinks of him whenever Henk2 uses iO's bath gel or wears the shorts tat io wore in my house. Huk huk ...
My mom, bro, sis, auntie + lil cousin cancelled their plan to visit me on June *sob*
My mom + sis have will accompany my bro going to Malay ... my lil cousin will having an exam in tat time ... So, My dad n my step mom are my last hope ^^ huhuhuhu
A lalalala ..... i miss u allll alll allllllll
between Germany & Taiwan : 4:45 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Happy easter evrybody around d` world ^^!!
Dun ask me how's church... coz i'll cuss .. n it's a sin (>.<) huhuhu I had a wonderful weekend, nothing special, got mountains of homeworks done b4 tomorrow (hell ... this is a kind of abusement! or it could be called student abusing? *lol), teased mein lil notty teufel huhuhu, did sum notty thingie accidentally (i swear) lol ... Considering the quality time i have wif io, tiz weekend is just perfect! i dun ask for more =)
got to have sum sleep now... or my "babysitter" will 'bite' me =s
*au revoir* ... gut nackt sweety mwach mwach mwach hihihi
between Germany & Taiwan : 11:52 AM
Hari sebtu ini g nggak kemana2...tadi malem tw Cinta ke gereja n g dirumah aja soalna smoana tutup disini. Paskah soalna...so g mandi, oh iya sebelonnya g goreng2 kentang n ya nothing special intina.....sekarang kita nggak ceting, na ja pake skype ama cam tentu but nggak ngobrol^^
G lagi belajar fisika n Cinta lagi kerjain prnya...wish i could study there....so that we dun have to use skype and cam, langsung ngomong aja:)
Omg bener2 g kangen sama Cinta....*help me SOBBBB T_T
Smoana susah klo g liat di depan...kuliah g terutama... tapi mana ada kuliah yang gampang...but g merasa disini asli susah 'cok...LOL. Buat orang2 yang baca blog ini n ada rencana kuliah di jerman...ich gebe dir einen guten Rat; wenn ich dich waere, wuerde ich ES NIE machen...LOL:@
Lucu juga g dulu ngotot kesini...hiahahhaahah...na ja...i wun ever regret everythin that i chose...eveythin is a gift from God...EVERY SINGLE THING^^
But sekarang smoana nggak sesusah dulu...i have an Angel beside me...Tenkiu Cinta for all*kiss
You knoe Cinta
Everytime i look at You, i have strength to move on
Everytime i look at You, i can think clear
Everytime i look at You, i know what i am fighting for
Everytime i look at You, i realise my purpose of breathing, which is You
Everytime i look at You, i can be Superman...Your Superman^^
Tenkiu Cinta for giving me new Hope and Horizon
Tenkiu for raising me up and giving me new strength everytime i am down
Tenkiu Cinta for being my Lady:D
I love You Cinta...i DO TRULLY2 DO*huggyyy
from io with Love
to my Maria Cecilia H my Soulmate
between Germany & Taiwan : 10:10 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Oqey... for all the things i said yesterday, I'm sorry =) it was a bad joke ...
Eniwei ... sumone pliz slap me when i'm start blabbing bad jokes so i wun hurt u accidentally (>.<)
Schatz ... es tut mir leid
between Germany & Taiwan : 1:27 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I will do any thing to protect it
I have found love in all Your charms.
Let me stay in Your arms
I have found a love in Your arms
so rich in love
Let me glorify You with my love
Let my fill Your heart and soul
With a light as strong as any to be seen
Let me lift up Your eyes
Filled with love for me
I have found a warmth in Your arms
Like no other
Your an angel and You let Your wings
Cover me
And keep me warm
So let me look once more
On You my angel of love
From io with Love
to my Maria Cecilia H my Honey Angel
between Germany & Taiwan : 8:40 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
hari yang jeuelek buangetttt...rencananya mao mojoq enak but nggak bisa lantaran inetnya lagi ngadat jadinya smoanya lambat...nggak bisa pake cam T_T
cup cup cup...sabar2 ya Yank...io juga bt diresein inet but ya mao gimana lagi, toh nanti juga bener lagi:)
*huggyyy erat Cintaku tercinta...You are my FAVORITE...io sayang banget ma Cinta...DO You know why?
Here are a few reasons why i love You:
1. You smell always good even if its just shampoo
2. The way Your heads always find the right spot on my shoulder
3. How cute You look when You sleep
4. The ease in which You fit into my arms
5. The way You kiss me and all of a sudden everything is right in the world
6. How cute You are when You eat
7. The way You take Your time well to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while
8. Because You are always warm even when its minus 30 outside
9.The way You look good no matter what You wear
10.The way You fish for compliments even though You know that You are the most
beautiful thing on this earth
11.How cute You are when You look BT...hihihi
12.The way Your hand always finds mine
13.The way You smile
14.The way You feel when You see my name on the call ID
15.The way You say "lets go to sleep...i'm sleepy" even though i know that a minute later we
talk on the bed ^^
16.The way You kiss when i do something nice for You
17.The way You kiss me when i say "I love You"
18. Actually...just the way You kiss me...
19.The way You fall into my arms when You cry
20.Then the way You apologize for doing silly things
21.The way You bite me and expect it to hurt....huhuhu...it does:p
22.Then the way You apologize when it does (even though i don't admit it)!
23.The way You say "I miss You"
24.The way i miss You
25.The way Your tears make me want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt You
Cinta... in my life, You are everything to me.
I love You for a million reasons,
No paper would do it justice.
from io with Love
to my Maria Cecilia H my Soulmate
between Germany & Taiwan : 8:32 AM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
*masuk ke pelokan ayank n Bobo .....ZzzZzzz
Danke honey for today ... ampun me kapok numpuk pr lagi ....
i love you =)
Ps: jgn imoed2 ya.... it makes me want you even more!
between Germany & Taiwan : 10:10 AM
*comfort Cinta yang maseh kerjain prna...*peloq erat^^
It's been so long since we took the time
to share words from deep inside Us
We're in our own world spinning our wheels
but You know how I feel
Well since the first time I took Your hand
my Love for You has just been growing
You always seem to understand
You know how I am
I'm gonna love You til the end
I'm gonna be Your very true friend
I wanna share Your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around
When You're alone and I'm away
don't be sad don't be afraid
I'm gonna turn my thoughts to You
like I always do
Catch You when You fall
Hold You when You're down
Sharing every moment
I wanna show You all I do
I believe I've found a miracle in You
I'm gonna love You til the end
I'm gonna be Your very true friend
I wanna share Your ups and downs
I'm gonna be around
From io with Love
to my Maria Cecilia H my Soulmate
between Germany & Taiwan : 9:55 AM
Cinta lagi nggak bisa diganggu soalna lagi buat pr...lol...kasihan baanget deh soalnya prnya itu buanyak banget n ngarang2 gitu:)
Bbrp g bantuin seh but yang terakhir ini tulisan cina smoa, mana disuruh buat komentar2 gitu...pengennya g bantu tapi nggak bisa neh:(
As for yesterday, Cinta bbna puas n luama banget....senangnyah hatikuhhhhhh^^
Kemaren g nggak kemana2 cuma dirumah aja temenin Cinta yang bb n maen2 pokemon sambil tunggu Cinta bangun abis itu kita ngobrol ampe pagi
Huhuhuhuhu...back to today...i can see her through the cam writing her homework*wish i was there to help her:(
Na ja besok Cinta kuliah n g juga lanjut lagi ke bibli, udah ampir seminggu g nggak pegang bener2 fisikanya...jenuh banget alasannya:(
But besok g harus rajin n HARUSSSSS nggka ada kata males2an jenuh2an ama cape2an lagi*semangat 45
G nggak ada kegiatan apa2 juga dihari ini...tadi bangun n seperti setiap pagi g or bentar n abis itu cetink bentar ama Cinta n ya bantuin prnya^^
Gitu aja dua hari ini...nggka ada yang lebih spesial daripada dua hari ini dimana kita bisa ngobrol puas n cam2an puas...its more than anything to me^^
Cintakuh ganbate ya buat prna....i'm with You always...love You forever:D
*emud guemeeeeeezzzzz yang imoed disana^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 9:15 AM
Friday, March 18, 2005
TELAT BANGUNNNNN huhuhuhuhu!!!
Hari ini Cinta kerja lagi masak indomie n g rencananya bangun untuk anterin dia kerja, but g ternyata nggak bisa bangun. Bangun2nya g setengah jam telat huhuhuhu
Na ja akhirnya setelah itu g nganggur sambil sante2...jam2 8 g or sambil kirim sms dan ternyata Cinta lagi di lab n doi mao balek pulang soalnya cuapeee banget huhuhuhu*gendong n pijitin
Doeh pengen banget gendong Cinta kayak di jkt waktu itu n yang jelas pengen banget pijitin lagi...Yank inget nggak klo jalan2 di jkt sama di rumah io sering pijitin punggungna^^
I miss it banget Yank...to carry You and to massage You again:)
Utang ya Yank*emud
Setelah balek pulang Cinta langsung maem mandi n lansung bb*fiuh...asikna bbna^^
Sekarang udah bangun n lagi nonton sinetron fav taiwan Cinta....asli deh isinya tuh berantem2 terus ama rebut2an harta...hmmmm...Yank tik klo io kesana nonton bareng ya *penasaran...LOL
Hari ini nothing to do selaen mojoq n yang jelas kita bakalan ngobrol puassss:D
*emudddddddd gemezz Cinta yang lagi nonton^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 8:01 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Hari yang super sibuk untuk Cintakuw:)
Hari ini ada acara overseas n Cinta harus bangun pagi untuk siap2in makanan2 yang harus dibawa untuk dimasak disana n rencananya dijualin sama pengunjung^^
Na ja...anak2 masak pizza mie yang ternyata gratis...nggak jadi dijual lantaran dananya katanya mao diganti smoa...ya udah deh namanya juga gratis jadinya diserbu huhuhhu
Nah Cinta yang bagian masak2 ama temen2nya tetnu kewalahan n namanya juga masak pasti cape banget mana dari pagi ampe sore...udah gitu bantu2 temen2 yang laennya untuk kontes fashion ama buat tato ala india^^
Intinya hari ini bener2 cape pe pe peeeeee
As for my self, pagi2 g bangun langsung or dikit2...lantas ke supermarket buat beli sosis ama minyak goreng soalnya lagi ngidam currywurst^^
Ya udah de g balek ol n Cinta juga baru balek...OMG...tampangnya itu loh nggak tahan deh...ngantukkkkk berat...matana sayu:(
G nggak thaan liatna kasihan huhuhuhu...ya udah deh g suruh mandi n g saranin bb cepetan soalnya mao bangun pagi lagi besok buat jualan n mana lagi *ehem* so pastina menyita stamina lebih dari biasanya
Cinta lagi lotionan n doeh lemezzzzz*huggyyy
Bentar lagi mao bb n haruzzz mana besok bakalan sibuk juga...Na ja anak2 rencananya mao ngeramein acara overseas anak teipei so sebtu Cinta diajak lagi ke teipei, but Cinta nolak*yipiiiii
Kita bisa mojoqqqq puas hari itu:)
Fiuhhh...i better go to Her...*pijitinnnnn n kelonin^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 4:43 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I thought it was a good dae. My moin work's Ok, the weather's Ok, the exam's Ok, My last class' Ok ... but my old pc got crash (T_T) again. I was stunned when it happened n got panick ... why it must be happened on Tuesday nite! AAaa... i'm not ready to buy a new one ... financially =p ... although i have the plan to buy a notebook b4 back 4 good from tw ... but not now!!!
*kussen2 iO* Thx for calming me down hihihi ....
*toel2.... ayo belajar!!!!!
Have i said "i love u" todae????
-i love u ^^-
between Germany & Taiwan : 5:58 PM
Monday, March 14, 2005
Its about Spiderman again^^
Baru kemaren g nggak bisa bb soalna lagi sakit peyut, g buka tv n liat spiderman 1 di prosieben:)
Hmmmm...not bad lah buat iseng2 menurut g bagus banget n cool aja^^
I think anybody can be spiderman...in means not how strong or powerfull he is or swing on tall buldings...NOOOO!!!
I means how he treats people around him, 'bout how he treats MJ is another story^^
We all can be superhero if we care bout people around us; the one that we love, BUT the greatest thing is that we can be super super hero-greater than any superhero, if we can protect the one that we LOVE even in a distance, the one that we so care about, but we do it without POWER or STRENGTH like spiderman...just be ourselves:)
Cinta...You know i am not spiderman, who posses great strength and power.
But i want You to know, that although i am not as strong as him, i promise You that i will always protect You no matter what it costs, i will always be here for You whenever You need me-even in our condition like this (west meets east)^^
For i know that this is just momentary...'coz as soon as i finish with all this stuffs...i will come and pick You up and take You to Our Castle upon the sky^^
I promise You Princess
My Love will always be with You
From io with Love
to my Maria Cecilia H my Princess
between Germany & Taiwan : 9:34 AM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
A white rose was found in front of my door
which is really made my day
which brings smiles on my face
which blushes my cheeks into red
which touches my soul deeply
which relieves my hard feeling
which ends my bad mood day
which spoilts me
which makes me feel like a lady
which delivers me to a good night sleep
which reminds me ... how much i've been blessed, since i have you =)
Danke schatz *wif lotsa lotsa love ... huge smooches ... super hot hugs* whauhhuahau
lophe lophe you
I really ruined our day, didn't i?
I do really in the bad bad mood. As you know, my PMS comes along wif the bloody weather. Actually the bloody weather r playing wif my mood .. my patientness ... n it drives me crazy. If tiz world were like wat Sun Go Kong story, where the Gods n Goddesses controlled the nature ... i'm gonna find the asshole who run for season ... n beat him till death *daydreaming* huahuahua
wanna join me???
Eniwei .. i dunno why i am so irritated by the cold weather, i feel so old like 'amah' or 'akong' (T_T). I miss summer ... i know much of mi fwenz + io hate it, but yahhh gantian yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Erm erm... gtg my busy day is begin ... exam & homeworks r wating ...
Ciao2 ...
between Germany & Taiwan : 3:52 AM
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Shoooooot....make mistake again*sigh
"SOOOO mature" mario....great job...well done*hit the wall with head
i still have homework from God to do...hihihi...i messed all yesterday...man o man...what a fool i've been yesterday
It should NOT affect me at all coz i've seen the true, pure n perfect fact....but this is where my idiotic act happened....OMG....someone kill me please:@
I'm so so sorry Sweety...i swear it wun ever happened again....not in this life not in another life where we will be united again^^
True...i was a fool:(
Please forgive me for my foolishness
Omg Sweety...i want to be there right now; i miss You deadly...I need Your hug and olso i want to hug You
Patient ya...soon i will be there:)
Cinta...from the bottom of my heart, i DO TRULLY LOVE YOU^^
I love You from dusk till the sun sets down
And while I sleep Your love grows strong
I love You my rose and forever I will
Keep You in my heart with all the joy you instill
I love You more than Romeo loved Juliet
I love You more than all the world's lover greats
I love You more and more as the days go by
I love You each day my sweet lullaby
And when the days are over and the sun shines no more
Your love in my heart will still shine some more
If You count all the stars in the sky
If You count all the tears in my eyes
If You count all the times I think of You
That's how much I truly love You
To put it all in three simple words
I love You...
from io with LOVE and apology
to my Maria Cecilia H-my Soulmate^^
-Love You till death-
between Germany & Taiwan : 11:55 PM
Quiz2 iseng dr Frenzter =) ... i think it's a good quiz, need to be blogged hehe just to know how much we know to each other
Cecilia's answersBouT mEin schAtz 1. Her/His perfume?
armani mania - Ck crave - BLV
2. What things can make her/him stay for hours?
kelonan *lol ... ermm... epon .... ermm ...
NGOBROL (bawel soalnya)
3. She/He respects...
women n parents
4. She/He hates...
durian ... soup pi-o ... empek2 kulit ...insects
... panas ... keringetan ...
5. Her / His hobbies...
chatting - nemenin belanja ;p - nyetirin aku -
fitness - ngubek2 dapur - makannnnn =D
6. She/He is dyin to meet..
me! *pd ga ketulungan kekekeke
7. Her/his fave band..
8. She/He can never get enough of..
me me me huahuahauhaua *ga tao malu
9. Favorite wear?
11.Her/his fave pet?
anjing namanya tweety
12.Her/his fave animal?
13.Things she/he loves to browse while shopping?
esprit thingie ... accesoris ... parfum
14.Her/His fave color?
15.Her/His fave tv channels?
discovery channel xxx *lol ... joking
16.She/ He's craaaaaazzzyyyy for
me lagih ahhh hauhua (uret malu dah putus)
17.Funniest thing she/he's ever said..
ada deeeee
18.Her/His favorites film?
die hard ... anime2 (diracun ama w3n!) ... horor
... ama film yg miskin kaga pake baju punya aktor
aktris nya xixixixi *jokin
19.Favorite drinks?
susu ... soda gembira ... ice tea ... long island
... coktail2 gitu lah ike ga apal namanya apa
20.She/he fears the most?
KECOA ama duren
21. Is she/he well planned or unorganized?
very planned ... long term planned deh
22. She/He's sooo good at...
calming me down ... reminder yg top ... =)
23. Her/His bad habit(s):
keras kepala ... kalo dah mo apa mesti diusahain
mpe dapet (sumitimes its a good habit ya) ... a
bit sensi sumtimes .. but it's a cute part of him
24. Is she/he lazy?
nope ... i'm the lazy one *grok*
25. Easily get tensed?
26. What time does she/he usually sleep?
b4 mitnait ....kadangan ikutan jam taiwan bobonya
27. Last, what you love most about her/him?
him... just him ... his good points + weaknesses =
perfect to me
Rio's answerBout mi Kuuipo 1. Her/His perfume?
BOSS deep red n parfum yang udah lama but nggak
abis2 cool water^^
2. What things can make her/him stay for hours?
photo impact ama frenzter...kelonan juga n ngobrollll
3. She/He respects...
parentz me and frenz yang nggak rese
4. She/He hates...
winter and insects
5. Her / His hobbies...
makan belanja sale hunting
6. She/He is dyin to meet..
g lah^^
7. Her/his fave band..
pernah maroon 5 sekarang eamon
8. She/He can never get enough of..
mi..her ScHatzi
9. Favorite wear?
untuk baju esprit, but intinya yang keren...klo
sepatu charles and keith
11.Her/his fave pet?
anjing g namanya mocca n sekarang ada golden
punyana temennya
12.Her/his fave animal?
13.Things she/he loves to browse while shopping?
clothes...parfum dll
14.Her/His fave color?
smoa yang cerah nggak gloomy
15.Her/His fave tv channels?
chanels pelem
16.She/ He's craaaaaazzzyyyy for
17.Funniest thing she/he's ever said..
said banyak but do ada satu yang bleib geheimnis^^
18.Her/His favorites film?
die hard suka juga...drama2 komedi paling
fav...parents trap contohna...paling fav tuh sama
yang hero2an...three muskateer braveheart dll
19.Favorite drinks?
ice tea sama yang dianeh2in
20.She/he fears the most?
21. Is she/he well planned or unorganized?
in between but it doesnt matter coz theres me yang
ingetin ini itu^^
22. She/He's sooo good at...
calming me down...raising me up...kelonin g:)
23. Her/His bad habit(s):
cuek klo udah urusan photo impact...nggak bisa
diganggu n suka kadangan lupa...huhuhu...but i
love her^^
24. Is she/he lazy?
not really...g juga kadangan....relatif lagi
25. Easily get tensed?
26. What time does she/he usually sleep?
klo libur ato sebtu minggu ikut jam jerman...klo
besok kul ya nggak pagi2
27. Last, what you love most about her/him?
her...everything in her...just the way she
is...love it banget
between Germany & Taiwan : 11:22 AM
Stupid me n mi moron dream ruined our weekend =(
-Sorry hun- ... i owe u an apolagize too ...
between Germany & Taiwan : 3:45 AM
Friday, March 11, 2005
What a HORRIBLE DAY!!!!!
I just found out that i failed in organic chemistry...SHOOOOOT...darn it sooooooo:@
AND the most disgusting thing today was that i also couldn't do my advance math 3 well. The test was held today...and it was so F*in hard T_T
SCHEISSEEEEEE( english stads for SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!) !!!!!!!!
I can't say no more bout it...i am exhausted body and mind...no comment please
But today something amazin was happened, You see that i couldn't say the news to my Sweety, bout chemistry..... but somehow she had already known it for herself...You may not believe it but it was true...at my germans time it was 11.00 AM...i knew that i failed that exam, and precisely at that moment at 18.00 PM in taiwan my dear Sweety felt that i did not pass...she said to me that she saw me holding papers saying sorry to her...O my GOSHHHH
So she was not so shock bout it, because she knew it already through my mind and soul connecting to her mind and soul...but i do feel kind of sorry T_T
Well i must ready for the make up test next month...wish me luck^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 9:35 AM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The weather is just great great great
It's not too hot ... but oso not too cold ... warm lar hehe =) I skipped my moin class, had a good rest then being an INEM (T_T)
I havent cleaned my shower room for 2 months, it's just too cold!!!! So i'd promised myself to clean it ASAP as the weather gets better. I cleaned my bathroom ... toilet ... the whole room ... got my laundry done ... tidy up my wardrobe bla bla
While i was tidying up my wardrobe, i watched a teli show bout travelling, n it promotes Singapore. Suddenly i miss Singapore, my nanny's twin sister, living at her house in Sengkang, hanging out wif aNnet, watching movie, hunting second hand novel which is still in a good condition, laksa, rojak, hainam chicken rice, topshop (there's no topshop outlet in tw !), hunting charles n keith, Ba Qua, SiomaY peep park, huehue makanan smoa slurpppp, bugis junction .... arghhhhhhhhhhhhh
*pengen pacaran ma iO di sana* hehehe
Urgh ... stop dreaming cecilia!!!
I gtg ^^
Mein schatz is home now =)
Mo ngeladenin duyu hihihi jadi bini yang baeeeeeeee *kedip2 centil* , biar dapet sanguuuuu tar hauauhauhaua
between Germany & Taiwan : 8:14 PM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Finally i find a relax time to blog =)
Actually i supposed to be on the lab rite now ... working ... but my lab is being repaired rite now ... too much probs ;S
The weather tiz 2 days are great just like wat i want. The sun shines brightly but it's still cool in 15-17 degree, it's just perfect! I could do my bath routine like wat i'd dreamt for months. Lite on the aromatherapy ... body mango scrub ... shaving ... ermmm nice nice nice
My mood gets along wif da perfect day too ^^. But not for last nite. I think i'm gonna have my period soon, so every lil annoying things quite bug me soo much (T_T). Sorry hun huhuhuhu
I'm a bit nervous wating for ur test result on Friday schatz ...
I'm waitin` for the big big new n surprise =)
between Germany & Taiwan : 6:15 PM
Monday, March 07, 2005
Ermmm actually i wanna blog the new one ... but there is my fave movie on the tely ... hUhuhu "The Three Musketeers" ... old movie, but me lophe it sooo much ^^
between Germany & Taiwan : 8:35 PM
Saturday, March 05, 2005
i dun know what is happening to me lately, i mean in this past two days, but all i do know is that my behavior is some what of F*-ed up:@
All i can do is messing up stuffs and doin shit....i'm afraid that i hurt my Baby with all i say or with all i do...somebody just kill ME!!!!!
*tarik napas...my emotions and my mental are japeordized to ground
OMG Cinta...i'm really2 sorry if i put You through my own SHIT...i apologize to You for what i say think or do wrong wrongly
Please2 be patient with me ya...i'm trying to come out from this rain...if i'm hurting or confusing You i do really2 sorry...i don't mean that...seriously NOT:(
SORRY Baby T_T....i DO mean it*hugg
*warm hug .... =) yyy
between Germany & Taiwan : 4:12 AM
Friday, March 04, 2005
Schatz, i said No doesn't mean tat i dun miss u I miss u like hell I miss to have ur smell surrounding me I miss to share our lunch, snacks, dinner, any food ... n get fat togetha I miss to sleep on ur shoulder like i usually did I miss to watch any movie wif ya , then watch u fall asleep ... n i'll fall asleep too haha I miss to spend a time togetha in the kitchen (although i cant cook at all) I miss sumone wakes me up in the moin wif his own way ... Above all ... I miss U *speachless is i can say...but i want to tell You one thing^^
Yaiy! Reasons to be happy todae =
1. It's stop raining (fiuh... finally)
2. The sun shines brightly =D
3. I skipped my morning class so i could sleep 8 hours straight hehe ... feel so healthy n full energy rite now
4. I had a 2 toasts for my lunch durin mi class which r so yummy (chocolate + peanut butter toast and cheese + pig floss toast) --> kinda weird combinations rite? =p
5. No rese peep who bugs me
6. No rese thingi happens
7. I think mi gank gal + me gonna go to a nitemarket after work...
I did a bad bad thing todae. Zoolay asked me why i skipped my class b`c the teacher called my name n knew that i didnt attend into her class. I just knew tat my school has a weird policy started from tiz semester; Anyone who skips the class once, 10 points would be deducted from the final exam score. Sooo.... if u r genious enuf, u could only skip the class 4 times n u have to make sure tat ur score is 100% (>.<) Well... bicoz of feeling so well todae i dun mind bout the stupid policy. But sumhow my indian classmate (who was my ex-roomate) came up wif a brilliant idea. N i did it ... hehehe I saw a doctor in my school... told him tat i have a runny nose (which is true when it's winter) and sore all over body ( he can't check it eniwei) The doctor (nodded) : " Aah... u r influence. Drink more water n wear more clothes" Hiehiehiehi n Voila! i got a proof of being sick todae to my prof next week.... hehehe wat a bad bad gal. But actually i hardly take tiz way as an excuse, bc my mom hates tiz kind of reason. She said why sumbody must curse on himself just to get such an excuse... wat if it really happens n u got sick? Huhuhu sooo tell ya a lil secret ... these r sum examples tat i usually use to get an excuse : @ Family prob... @ My cousin will get marry in tat day @ I gtg to Taipei... to verify my new passport or to make the new one @ My grandpa passed away (they had passed away years ago --> fact)
@I need to accompany my nanny, she's gonna have a knee replacement joint ... (I have to be more carefull wif tis excuse... bc if it's often used, peep would ask me how many knees tat my grandma has huhuhuhu)
@ bla bla ... have any idea??? hihihi tell me then ...
Ermm there is other thing tat is in my mind.
iO: I miss u deadly
Me: sure I do too
Then He searches for the cheapest ticket n plans to be here on April. I supposed to be happy rite? In fact yes I am... I'm sooo excited!!! But when i know how much the ticket will cost him (around 600 euro) , I pushed myslef to say "No, don't come"
I tried to hold on my tears n refused his idea. I know... both of us feel the same ... frustating.
Don't you think spending (7-9 juta) for a "pacaran fee" is not a wise idea at all???? (buat traktir aku aja kalo kesana hehehe =p)
Otherwise, we still have 119 days left .. to have our summer vacation together again ...
Then, if there's any big prob tiz year me gonna spend a whole month wif ya in germany ...
See how much we'r blessed tiz year. It's such a miracle to have 3 times vacation together in a year.
Believe me hun, ur idea is still in my mind, i fought wif myself b4 i said "N, don't come"
It's a hard temptation ...
io is here...
You are the best wife-Partner of life...i have maid the right desicion infact that was the BEST desicion ever in my Life:D
Cinta i love You above all in this world...i need You in this life like desert need the rain like i need You^^
*a touch of Cinta's email which was written in 3 March 2005:...i lophe u darling
lophe u sooo much more than anyone
Let me tell You one thing Cinta...i Do too:D
Love Kissez Huggyzzz
The HAPPIEST man on earth, io
between Germany & Taiwan : 3:26 AM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Another gloomy days begin ... It's colder than before + heavy rain. Wat a dae.... N' it wil be worse tomorrow (T_T) hik. I plan to skip my moin class tomorrow =p pssttt....
No special thing happens these days ....
I'm still tryin hard to find my mood to finish sum writing exercises, to read a novel bout mythology for my next exam, n to read sum poems, analysis them, n prepare for the next exam too. Hiks... Poetry's totally not my fave subject. I'm not sensitive enuf to capture wat the poets means through their works. i think iO will love tiz subject n i predict my future homework will be done by him hihihi , rite hun? *maksa*
between Germany & Taiwan : 10:47 PM
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